Call for Abstract

46th Euro-Global Summit on Cancer Therapy & Radiation Oncology, will be organized around the theme “”

Euro Cancer 2024 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Euro Cancer 2024

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

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There are more than 300 types of cancer, including Breast cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer, rectal cancer, Prostate cancer, and lymphoma. "Signs and Identification differs liable on the type of Cancer." Some people with cancer will have particular treatment. But most people have a synthesis of treatments, such as surgery with chemotherapy and/or acupuncture therapy. The Anticancer therapies include Palliative therapy, Immunotherapy, Hormonal therapy, Radiotherapy, Nutritional therapy, Phototherapy, Surgical therapy, Chemotherapy, Adjuvant therapy, Neoadjuvant therapy. Phototherapy is the most progressive among all the therapies. All Anticancer agents act by disturbing cell multiplication or normal functioning, DNA synthesis and by blocking or changing RNA and protein metabolite. Various therapies has been followed by the introduction of the new drug by clinical trials results, or by passing the cell under some radiations or radioactive waves or by taking some sort of medicine or considering with the alteration in the genetic material or by some sort of particular organ transplant.


Cancer can occur anywhere in the body. The most common spots of cancer among men include prostate, lung, colon, stomach, rectum and liver. And those for among women are breast, colon, rectum, stomach, cervix and lung. Cancers are habitually described by the body part that they devised in. However, some body parts contain multiple types of tissue, so for greater precision, cancers can additionally be classified by the type of cell that the tumour cells originated from. The type of cancer a person has needed to be known properly as different types of cancer can behave very differently and respond to different treatments.

Oncology Nursing is a field involving practice encompasses the roles of direct caregiver, educator, consultant, administrator, and researcher. Oncology and cancer nursing prolongs to all care delivery sites where clients facing or at risk for emerging cancer receive health care, education, and counselling for cancer prevention, screening and detection. It also includes proper screenings and other protective practices, symptom administration, care to retain as much normal operative as possible, and supportive measures upon end of life.

Cancer prevention is well-defined as active methods to reduction the risk of cancer. Most of cancer cases are due to environmental risk factors, and many, but not all, of these environmental factors are controllable lifestyle choices. An entity's risk of increasing cancer can be significantly reduced by healthy behaviour. Cancer Prevention Research embraces preclinical, clinical and translational research, with special attention given to molecular detection and an emphasis on building a translational bridge between the basic and clinical sciences.

Cancer Science is a therapeutic field that covers every subdivision of cancer research and therapy. Cancer was reflected as deadly disease few years ago, but now the progress has changed thanks to developments made in the cancer field. There are various therapies available now to treat and diagnose cancer. The Targeted Cancer Therapy is one of the best therapies available, in which the cancer cells are treated by targeting and inhibiting specific molecules that are responsible for tumour progression. This blocking can be done by medicine. The Cancer Case Reports shows that Stem Cell Therapy is also a productive treatment for cancer. Cancer biomarkers help in finding tumour cells and treating them. Tumour Immunology plays a vital role in finding the new approaches for cancer therapeutics. Cancer Conferences demonstrate its effort to jettison cancer from the world.

The branch of Oncology dealing with Radiation therapy is defined as Radiation Oncology. Radiation oncology is a medical field that involves the organized use of radiation to treat cancer either for treatment or to reduce pain and signs caused by cancer. Radiation Oncology encompasses all aspects of research that impacts on the diagnosis of cancer using radiation. Radiation can be given as a curative modality, in combination with surgery or chemotherapy. The Radiation therapy is broadly segmented into Tele RadiotherapyBrachy-radiotherapy and Metabolic Radiotherapy. There are three unique Radiology expert professions which are involved in exercise of radiation oncology 1. Radiation Oncologists 2. Radiation Therapists 3. Radiation Oncology Medical Physicists. These highly qualified medical consultants who use advanced tools on Cancer patients to deliver safe and effective radiation therapy with few side effects as possible.

Use of Radiation to kill diseased cells has become a standard diagnosis option for a wide range of malignancies. It utilizes X-rays, gamma rays, electron beams or protons to treat cancer. Radiotherapy can be used in three modalities: – Adjuvant radiotherapyPalliative radiotherapy and Curative radiotherapy. Among all the available Anti-cancer therapies, Radiation therapy is the most conventional method for treating Cancers. Success depends on early diagnosis, the volume and histological nature of the Cancer. Techniques in Radiation therapy include Gamma Knife surgery, Medical dosimetry, Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy, Triggered imaging radiosurgery, Brachytherapy, External Beam Radiation Therapy, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy, mage-Guided Radiotherapy, radioisotope therapy, Total Body Irradiation, Total Skin Irradiation and Stereotactic body radiation therapy.

Most cancers are a set of more than a hundred syndromes that expand all the way through time in any of the body’s materials. Each type of cancer has its particular capabilities; the simple procedures that produce most cancers are pretty comparable in all sorts of the diseases. A case record is the identified document of signs and symptoms, prognosis, remedies of the exceptional wounded of positive scientific records with unique therapeutic strategies. As about 7.6 million of latest instances of malignancy documented every year, half of them are from developing countries. Case reports will be up to date from all the statistics from the beyond.

Clinical Oncology embraces full range of Nonsurgical Cancers including the Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Palliative care and Biological targeted therapy. Clinical oncologists give Solid tumours with Chemotherapy, Conventional Radiotherapy, Brachytherapy, Biological therapy, Molecular targeted therapy and sometimes with multimodality trades that include the blend of two or more Anti-cancer therapies. Clinical oncologists regulate treatment by considering a range of aspects including tumour type, the site of the tumour, the stage of the disease and the patient’s general health. They then assess the relative merits of different diagnosis before presenting these to the patient so that an informed decision can be made. The branch also comprises the study of Cancer staging, Cancer epidemiology, Brachytherapy, Cancer biostatistics etc.

Cancer is caused when cells within the body accumulate genetic mutations and start to grow in an uncontrolled manner. Understanding how cancer develops and progresses, including how gene mutations drive the growth and spread of cancer cells, and how tumours interact with their surrounding environment, is vital for the discovery of new targeted cancer treatments.

Precision medicine in oncology revolutionizes treatment by tailoring therapies to individual patients based on their genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Unlike traditional one-size-fits-all approaches, precision medicine identifies specific molecular alterations driving cancer growth in each patient. This approach allows oncologists to select treatments that are most likely to be effective and minimize side effects, leading to better outcomes and improved quality of life.

Recent advancements in breast cancer research have opened new horizons in treatment and understanding. Innovations like targeted therapies and immunotherapies are transforming treatment outcomes by attacking cancer cells more precisely and effectively. Additionally, advancements in early detection methods, such as liquid biopsies and imaging technologies, offer improved chances for early intervention and better prognoses. These developments signify a hopeful shift towards more personalized and effective treatments, aiming to enhance survival rates and quality of life for breast cancer patients.

Cancer pharmacology focuses on developing drugs that specifically target molecular pathways involved in cancer cell growth and survival. These drugs, including chemotherapy agents, targeted therapies, and immunotherapies, aim to disrupt cancer progression while minimizing damage to healthy cells. Advancements in pharmacogenomics help tailor treatments based on individual genetic profiles, improving efficacy and reducing side effects. Research continues to explore novel drug combinations and delivery methods to enhance treatment outcomes and prolong survival in cancer patients.

Lung cancer remains a significant global health challenge, with smoking as a primary risk factor. Advances in treatment include targeted therapies that inhibit specific genetic mutations driving tumor growth, immunotherapies that boost the immune system's ability to fight cancer, and precision medicine approaches tailored to individual patients. Early detection through imaging techniques like CT scans has improved survival rates by enabling timely intervention. Research into biomarkers and new treatment modalities continues to expand the options available for managing this complex disease.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing cancer treatment by analyzing vast amounts of medical data to personalize care and improve outcomes. AI algorithms can predict patient responses to treatments, assist in early detection through image analysis, and identify potential drug candidates. Machine learning models are used to optimize treatment plans and manage patient data efficiently. AI-powered platforms are transforming oncology by accelerating research, enhancing diagnostic accuracy, and offering new avenues for personalized therapies tailored to individual genetic and molecular profiles.